Monday, December 5, 2016

This is a book cover for the book Valkyrie. The audience is intended for book readers and people who like learning about historical events. It is also intended to gain other viewers attention to possibly pick up the book and read it. I think that the use of a bold red dot to symbolize targeting Hitler is what grabbed my attention. It is foreshadowing what is going to happen in the book.

This is an advertisement for drinking and driving. The audience for this piece is all car owners and drivers. Its purpose is to show how deadly and painful drinking and driving can be. It uses a painful looking image of a man getting punched in order to show how sudden and brutal an accident from drinking and driving can be. The fact that the artists incorporated the cars into the arm and face is what gained my attention. I like the use of contrasting colors for the cars and the overall message that the image sends.

I say this image online. It is an anti smoking advertisement. Its audience is intended for smokers and just the everyday person to warn about dangers of smoking. The purpose of this advertisement is to warn and somewhat scare people away from smoking. I think the the overall layout of the design is very unified and clever. The artist used cigarettes to covey this message itself of death. I think that the way that the cigarettes create death in itself is a metaphor for the message that he or she is trying to send.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I found this advertisement online for Bamboo drawing tablets. I think that the design is very clever in the sense that it shows the many tools that a simple electronic pen has. It shows how efficient, sleek, and handy the tablet and pen are. I think the intended audience for this piece is artists and designers. They will be the ones viewing this advertisement most and interested in purchasing the product. I think that the image gives off a fun solution to showing just some of the many capabilities of the product. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

This is a movie poster for the Dark Knight Rises. The audience of the poster is anyone who likes superhero movies and comics. It can range from kids to adults. I think that this poster works well with the theme of the movie. The movie is more geared towards defeat and how Batman himself overcomes that. I like the suspense building up in this poster. This is one of my favorite movies. I think the quality is good and the type is simple and also much needed. All together I think this design is very successful especially for this movie.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

This is an image by Will Strawser. The intent of this image is to show the mood of this ride. I think that he wanted to capture the chill vibe that the man in this car has. This picture is very easy going and fun. I think that the target audience is youth, teens maybe more specifically. I like this image because of the color use, the angle of the shot, and the emotions that the image conveys.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

This is a large sticker that I have from the brand Element. Element is a skateboarding brand that incorporates earth, wind, water, and fire in their designs. They are all about unity and respect for nature. I think its somewhat ironic because most people view skaters as no good trash, but truthfully, most skaters I have met are nice down to earth guys sharing their talent on the streets. This helps view skateboarding as more of an art form that a past time. The purpose of this logo is to show the vibe of the company which is unity between the elements. The audience is all skaters.